Please take a moment to read below the options available to you.
Already created a Personal Online Fundraiser?
Find your Personal Online Fundraiser(s) and click to view Donors. Invite new supporters with one click on Tell A Friend, or send to yourself and then forward the invitation received to your email contacts.
To modify your fundraiser(s) click on the "MODIFY" buttons, include your changes and save/publish.
This includes:
- Change the TItle/Name of your fundraiser
- Modify your fundraising Goal (if left at 0, amount raised will be undisclosed)
- Upload a new photo/image at any time Modify your personal message
- End your Personal Online Fundraiser
Use the SEARCH button to also view draft and closed fundraisers.
- If you see your fundraiser in "Draft", wait for our confirmation.
- If you see your fundraiser "Open", invite supporters with one click on Tell A Friend.
- If you see your fundraiser "Closed" you can reopen it by changing the close date.
Wish to create a Personal Online Fundraiser?
You can host as many personal online fundraisers as you wish.
- Use a name easy for people to find you
- Upload an image/photo people will recognize you by
- Publish and visit your fundraiser to invite supporters
- Notice: Once your fundraiser is published, click on the Tell A Friend button to invite supporters, add as many emails as you wish, or send to yourself and then forward to all your contacts!
This template controls the elements:
FOOTER: Footer Title, Footer Descriptions
* This message is only visible in administrative mode
This template controls the elements:
FOOTER: Footer Title, Footer Descriptions
* This message is only visible in administrative mode
Your NPO
123 Nonprofit Lane
Give City, State 12345
Demo Credit Card
Visa 4007000000027
CVV 111
Exp any date after today